Education allowance

A smart investment in the future of your team.

Brief Overview

The Education allowance is a form of support provided by employers specifically to promote the professional development of employees. This benefit enables employees to gain new qualifications that are beneficial for both the employee and the company.

Unlimited tax-free under certain legal conditions.

Benefits for your Company

The Education allowance enables your employees to develop their skills in a targeted manner and at the same time strengthens the attractiveness of your company. In addition, the subsidy can be tax-privileged, allowing you as an employer to benefit from lower non-wage labor costs.

Legal Framework

In accordance with Section 3 No. 19 EStG, support provided by the company for participation in professional training or further training measures is tax-free under certain conditions. The prerequisite is that the training measures are in the overriding operational interest of the company. It is important that the training is related to the employee's professional activity in order to be able to claim tax exemption.

What can be funded with the Education allowance?

The Education allowance opens up numerous opportunities for your employees - from specialist courses and certifications to language training and online seminars. Thanks to flexible digital solutions, the choice is almost endless and can therefore be optimally adapted to the needs of your team and company.

Want to use the benefits of Education allowance in your company?

Schedule a demo.